
Welcome to the NLNaturals Smartshop! The place for all your psychedelics, energizers, calmants, psychoactive herbs & extracts, and health & lifestyle goods. Magic truffles, mushroom grow kits, rapé, kratom, happy caps, kanna, raw cacao, caapi, and many other items are available from us. We have got anything you're looking for at excellent pricing.

Kratom Super Red Borneo

This Kratom is coming straight from the depths of the Borneo jungle. 

Kratom is not on the list of approved Novel foods and novel food ingredients. Therefore, it cannot be sold for human consumption.

If you're looking to buy kratom in bulk, contact our sales team at

Kratom Super Maeng Da Yellow

Meet the veteran of the bunch, Kratom Maeng Da Yellow. Kratom is not on the list of approved Novel foods and novel food ingredients. Therefore, it cannot be sold for human consumption.

If you're looking to buy kratom in bulk, contact our sales team at

Kratom Super Maeng Da White

Kratom Super Maeng Da White is very known in South-East Asia.

Kratom is not on the list of approved Novel foods and novel food ingredients. Therefore, it cannot be sold for human consumption.

If you're looking to buy kratom in bulk, contact our sales team at

Kratom Super Maeng Da Red

Maeng Da Red is one of the most famous Kratom strains. Unfortunately, Kratom is not on the list of approved Novel foods and novel food ingredients. Therefore, it cannot be sold for human consumption.

If you're looking to buy kratom in bulk, contact our sales team at

Kratom Super Maeng Da Green

Super Maeng Da Green is made from horn-shaped kratom leaves, and is one of the most popular strains in the world and is sought after by experts. Kratom is not on the list of approved Novel foods and novel food ingredients. Therefore, it cannot be sold for human consumption. 

If you're looking to buy kratom in bulk, contact our sales team at

Kratom Super Green Vein

Kratom Super Green Vein sits exactly between the Red and White Kratom to bring the best of two worlds!

Kratom is not on the list of approved Novel foods and novel food ingredients. Therefore, it cannot be sold for human consumption.

If you're looking to buy kratom in bulk, contact our sales team at

Kratom Super Green Malay

This excellent Kratom comes from the trees growing deep in the jungle. A popular and appreciated strain.

Kratom is not on the list of approved Novel foods and novel food ingredients. Therefore, it cannot be sold for human consumption.

If you're looking to buy kratom in bulk, contact our sales team at

Kratom Super Green Elephant

Kratom Super Green Elephant is named after its appearance as its leaves are larger and oversized compared to average kratom leaves growing in Indonesia.

Kratom is not on the list of approved Novel foods and novel food ingredients. Therefore, it cannot be sold for human consumption.

If you're looking to buy kratom in bulk, contact our sales team at

Kratom Super Bentuangie

Bentuangie kratom is unique. The leaves harvested from Mitragyna speciosa tree that grows in the deep jungle in Southeast Asia are left to ferment, unlike the regular drying process of other kratom strains.

Kratom is not on the list of approved Novel foods and novel food ingredients. Therefore, it cannot be sold for human consumption.

If you're looking to buy kratom in bulk, contact our sales team at

Kratom Super Bali Green

The smell of Bali Green Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa) is pleasant and often described as similar to cut grass. Green Bali is one of the most popular and best-selling members of the kratom family.

Kratom is not on the list of approved Novel foods and novel food ingredients. Therefore, it cannot be sold for human consumption.

If you're looking to buy kratom in bulk, contact our sales team at

Kratom Leaves - Maeng Da White

Super Maeng Da White can be classified as an all-purpose, balanced strain that has gained a large fan base in Asia.

Kratom Leaves - Maeng Da Red

Maeng Da Red is one of the mightiest kratom strains we have to offer! These are the shredded leaves, available in different quantities.

Kratom Leaves - Maeng Da Green

Maeng Da Green leaves have a vibrant green color

Kratom + Kanna Single Shots 40mg + 5mg

Our Kratom + Kanna Single Shots offer a unique blend of Kratom's power and Kanna's special properties, packed in a 15ml bottle. This concentrated mixture contains 40mg Mitragynine and 5mg Kanna alkaloids, created with high-quality extraction methods for optimal purity and potency.

Kanna Shots 13mg Extract - Lemongrass & rosemary

Discover our concentrated Kanna Shots with 13mg Kanna alkaloids and the refreshing taste of lemongrass and rosemary. Kanna (Sceletium tortuosum) is valued worldwide for its relaxing and mood-enhancing effects, without loss of mental clarity. The 15ml shots are concentrated and convenient to use.

Kanna Liquid 1:1 Extract 10ml

Experience the benefits of our premium alcohol free Sceletium Tortuosum 1:1 Extract. Sceletium tortuosum (Mesembryanthemaceae), commonly known as kanna or kougoed, is an effective indigenous medicinal plant in South Africa, specifically to the native San and Khoikhoi tribes.

Ingredients: Water soluble, alcohol-free, vegetable glycerin, botanical extract

Kanna 50x Extract

50x extract. The active substances in Kanna are mainly stimulating. They provide energy and / or a euphoric feeling. With a high dose you end up in a state that is somewhat like an MDMA high.

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose - Hawaii

The seeds of the Baby Hawaiian Woodrose or Argyreia nervosa ivy contain a high percentage of LSA, a substance with a long shamanic history that induces a powerful psychedelic experience. Take 4 to 5 seeds for a visionary experience of about 8 hours. 

Guayusa dried leaves

Guayusa is a plant that grows in the Amazon region in South America. The common way to use it is to make tea out of it. Guayusa is high in antioxidants and caffeine which will give you a nice boost. 

Guayusa Extract

This strong Guayusa extract gives you energy like no other! The Ilex Guayusa leaves used for this tincture are ecologically sourced from Ecuador. The tincture is made from Ilex Guayusa concentrate and 20% alcohol.

Guarana Extract 1:1 | 5ml | 10ml | 1000ml

The guarana plant is well known as one of the world's most powerful energy boosters. This glory is due to the uniquely rich caffeine in Guarana seeds. Inside the bottle is a strong extract of the Guarana fruit. 

Goodnight Tincture

Tincture can contribute to a harmonious sleep and pleasant dreams. A composition of special herbs: passion flower, nightcap, hops, hawthorn, bergamot, valerian based on 35% Alcohol

Entada Rheedii - African Dream Herb 50x Extract

Entada rheedii 50x Extract are also known as African Dream Herb. Used alot by South Africa’s medicine men and high priests to commune with the spirit world by inducing vivid lucid dreams. Reports claim that the seed increases one’s ability to fall asleep and stay asleep, as well as producing longer lasting, more vivid and memorable dreams.

Energy Booster Tincture

As the name implies, this is a pure energy booster! A carefully chosen mix that can help you get through the day. More and more people are choosing other herbs over coffee for their source of energy. The 40% alcohol-based mix contains Siberian ginseng, guarana, and rosemary. 

Detox Tincture - 50ml

Detoxifying your body with herbs! Detoxifying the body has become increasingly popular and well known in recent years. A carefully composed mix of dandelion, white deafening nettle, milk thistle based on 40% alcohol.

Cacao Pasta - Peru

100% Raw High quality unroasted and cold-pressed raw Cacao Paste from Peru. The Cacao paste from the Peruvian Amazon is made from the finest native criollo beans, organic certified, and cold processed in raw food quality.

CBD olie 10% Relief & Pain CO2 Extract

A CBD oil that contains terpenes, synergy with CBD oil, this broadens the therapeutic effect. With the specific terpenes of this variant, it can support the promotion of sleep, in addition, it can bring pain relief.

CBD Oil Every Day 10% Co2 Extract

This CBD oil is diluted with hemp seed oil to make it suitable for easy dosing. A pure product, as completely as possible retained as the plant intended.

CBD Oil 10% Vital Energy Co2 Extract

This CBD oil variant contains terpenes specifically aimed at focus, energy and clarity. The terpenes can provide support in situations where a clear view and focus is needed.

Bobinsana - Extract (Calliandra angustifolia)

Bobinsana is a native of the Amazon. It has been used for healing the body and for enhancing spiritual and shamanic activities for countless generations.

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