
Welcome to our 'Health & Therapeutic Products' category, featuring CBD oil, microdosing, medicinal mushrooms, tinctures & extracts. We offer high-quality products to be able to support therapists in treatments they offer.

CBD Oil Every Day 10% Co2 Extract

This CBD oil is diluted with hemp seed oil to make it suitable for easy dosing. A pure product, as completely as possible retained as the plant intended.

CBD Oil 10% Vital Energy Co2 Extract

This CBD oil variant contains terpenes specifically aimed at focus, energy and clarity. The terpenes can provide support in situations where a clear view and focus is needed.

Bobinsana - Extract (Calliandra angustifolia)

Bobinsana is a native of the Amazon. It has been used for healing the body and for enhancing spiritual and shamanic activities for countless generations.

Blue Lotus Leaves

The Blue Lotus gives a soothing and euforic effect. It can also work as an aphrodisiac. The blue lotus can be consumed as a tea or you can soak it in a bottle of wine.

Blue Lotus 1:1 Extract Alcohol free 5ml 10ml

Experience the benefits of our powerful blue lotus extract 1:1 100% alcohol free available in 5ml and 10ml 

Blauwe Lotus Tincture

Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) is also known as the Holy Lily of the Nile. This Blue Lotus Tincture produces mild psychoactive effects that can give a dreamy feeling of euphoria, calmness and a feeling of pleasant warmth. It also acts as a stimulant and is said to have aphrodisiac properties.

Blauwe Lotus Extract

Blue lotus gives a soothing and a euphoric effect. At high doses of ingestion it gives a mild hallucinatory effect. It is also said that the lotus gives you a sexual boost and a potency enhancing effect.

Ashwagandha Extract

The herb Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera; winter cherry) is known from traditional Ayurvedic medicine from India. Ayurvedic trained doctors suggest that the herb can be used against complaints such as chronic fatigue, stress and insomnia. Also in the western world Ashwagandha is known by some as a means to increase the energy.

African Dream Root Extract

This sacred plant called Silene Capensis has dream-inducing properties within its magical roots. Relatively small amounts are reported to be effective. The plant can give effects upon the dream state which can be profound. It has the ability to induce remarkably vivid dreams!

5% CBD oil CO2 Extract

We set the bar for our CBD quality high: as clean as possible, the taste as neutral as possible so that everyone can enjoy it. Our CBD oil is made from powerful and beautiful plants that are grown organically for our oil and also the processing process to paste goes according to a controlled system to guarantee the quality.

100% Raw Cacao Pasta - Bolivia

The cacao beans used to make this RAW 100% Cacao Paste come from an endemic and unique species in the world. Ceremonial, unroasted and cold-pressed cocoa paste produced in Bolivia.

Mulungu - CBD 1:1 Extract

New and developed by us, the power of two beneficial worlds combined in one bottle. Mulungu is a natural, soothing remedy that comes from the rainforests of Brazil and Peru. Shamans have been using Mulungu for centuries, believing it helps restore the natural balance that disturbs urban life. CBD or rather the active ingredient cannabidiol brings balance to the immune system.

Dragon's Blood Olie

Dragon's Blood is squeezed from the Croton Uechleri. Dragon's Blood is known for its regenerative properties of the skin.

Damiana Extract

Used by the Maya as a stimulant where the Aztecs us ed it correctly against impotence. It was also seen as a medicinal herb and was also used as a tea by several Tribes. It gives relaxation and a euphoric feeling. It can also have a libido-enhancing effect.

Black Maca - 5:1 Extract

Black Maca It gives a strong sense of euphoria, relaxation, sharpness and energy. Ment says that the Libido and memory greatly strengthens. A golden addition to the collection of the extracts. Maca is a real superfood with enormous benefits in many different areas. A Next Level Favorite! Available in 50 and 100 grams.

36 Rapé de Mulungu

Traditionally, Mulungu is used in South America as a sleep-promoting remedy for stress, anxiety and nerve disorders.

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