
Welcome to the NLNaturals Smartshop! The place for all your psychedelics, energizers, calmants, psychoactive herbs & extracts, and health & lifestyle goods. Magic truffles, mushroom grow kits, rapé, kratom, happy caps, kanna, raw cacao, caapi, and many other items are available from us. We have got anything you're looking for at excellent pricing.

Psilocybe Shambhala | White Label Truffles

Are you ready for a wondrous journey into the cosmos and back? Great, because that's where the Shambhala will take you! Expect intense visuals, amazing euphoric feelings and a very special journey.

Black Maca - 5:1 Extract

Black Maca It gives a strong sense of euphoria, relaxation, sharpness and energy. Ment says that the Libido and memory greatly strengthens. A golden addition to the collection of the extracts. Maca is a real superfood with enormous benefits in many different areas. A Next Level Favorite! Available in 50 and 100 grams.

Damiana Extract

Used by the Maya as a stimulant where the Aztecs us ed it correctly against impotence. It was also seen as a medicinal herb and was also used as a tea by several Tribes. It gives relaxation and a euphoric feeling. It can also have a libido-enhancing effect.

Mulungu - CBD 1:1 Extract

New and developed by us, the power of two beneficial worlds combined in one bottle. Mulungu is a natural, soothing remedy that comes from the rainforests of Brazil and Peru. Shamans have been using Mulungu for centuries, believing it helps restore the natural balance that disturbs urban life. CBD or rather the active ingredient cannabidiol brings balance to the immune system.

Kratom Extract Extreme Gold - NRG 80mg

Each capsule contains 80 mg Mitragynine. This is the equivalent of 8 grams of pulverized kratom leaf.

Microdosing with Magic Truffles

With our Microdosing packaging you always get the right amount for a micro dosage Magic Truffles. This means that you can't accidentally take too much, which causes you to trip lightly at work. The advantages of microdosing? More energy, more productivity, better focus, heart opening and also more inspiration!


Cebil Seeds

The seeds of the Cebil tree are full of psychoactive alkaloids: 5-MeO-DMT and bufotenine. The fabrics have a strong hallucinogenic effect: black / white colors and geometric patterns. Cebil effects are often compared to DMT or LSD but then shorter. To use to make a psychedelic snuff or grow a Cebil tree.

Dragon's Blood Olie

Dragon's Blood is squeezed from the Croton Uechleri. Dragon's Blood is known for its regenerative properties of the skin.

Magic Truffles Dragon's Dynamite

The special edition Dragon’s Dynamite is one of our strongest truffles and subject to restricted availability due to limited production. If you want to have an amazing trip, you are good with the Dragon’s Dynamite. Feel invincible through the power of dynamite, release your inner dragon and throw yourself into the colorful deep and experience an amazing trip to never forget!


Kanna Shredded

Kanna can be used in many ways. One of the ways is to make tea from it. It can also be sniffed, smoked or chewed. In the past Kanna was often used by fighters. Because of the many fights they suffered from a lot of stress, anxiety and depression. Kanna was used to alleviate these problems or make them disappear.


Damiana consists of the dried leaves and stems of a bush which grows in the tropical areas of America. It is an invigorating aphrodisiac which produces a relaxing, mellow high that lasts for about two hours. Damiana is a muscle relaxant and also a sexual stimulant that improves blood circulation in the genital area.

Hawaiian Baby Woodrose - Madagascar

The extra strong strain of Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Madagascar brings you a full psychedelic experience, even after taking a few seeds. 

NLNaturals - Salvia 5X

The 5x Salvia Extract is perfect for getting acquainted with Salvia! Not everyone wants to completely dissolve the first time in the universe. That is why there are lighter varieties of our Salvia Extract. Do not worry, you will get enough to see!

NLNaturals - Salvia 40X

40x Salvia Extract. People who have experience with this herb know how strong it can be! The 40x extract is certainly no exception. Salvia is a powerful herb with a hallucinogenic effect. It is an extract of the Salvia Divinorum. The 40x extract is also a Salvia for the advanced psychonaut!

Copaiba Oil

Copaiba oil contributes to digestion and also supports the body's immunity and nervous system.

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