
Welcome to our Psilocybin category, where you can find all of our psilocybe psychedelic products: a wide selection of magic truffles (also available in bulk), microdosing, magic mushroom grow kits, trip stoppers, and heating mats. Our psilocybin products are well-known for their therapeutic and recreational benefits, which include altered states of consciousness and introspection. Shop now to discover the benefits of psilocybin for your body, mind, and spirit.

Microdosing with Magic Truffles

With our Microdosing packaging you always get the right amount for a micro dosage Magic Truffles. This means that you can't accidentally take too much, which causes you to trip lightly at work. The advantages of microdosing? More energy, more productivity, better focus, heart opening and also more inspiration!


Magic Truffles Dragon's Dynamite

The special edition Dragon’s Dynamite is one of our strongest truffles and subject to restricted availability due to limited production. If you want to have an amazing trip, you are good with the Dragon’s Dynamite. Feel invincible through the power of dynamite, release your inner dragon and throw yourself into the colorful deep and experience an amazing trip to never forget!


Psilocybe Wakan Tanka (Shambhala) Magic Truffles

Psilocybe Wakan Tanka takes you on a wonderful journey that you will never forget. It contains the Psilocybe Utopia known as one of the strongest truffles!


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